Two Modes to Choose: Fog-of-War & All Spoilers, Import and explore maps directly into your browser. Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure game. TEdit is the most powerful tool that comes with several amazing features and options to help you achieve everything in the game. Its countless features can be used to copy naturally generated structures or cleanse the Evil Biome, for example. I recommend using the latest version of a major browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari. This Terraria Map Viewer is unique and different from all the above viewers. Miss the old Hydra Skin? The Terraria 1.4.4 update arrived on September 28, yet a full month after its arrival plenty of secrets are still being discovered. The World Seed feature enables the display of the random seed used to generate a Terraria world, and allows the player to input a custom seed manually when creating a new world.

After developer Re-Logic added full Steam Workshop support for your custom maps, music packs and resources back in March, May 16, Terraria's actual birthday, called for a proper celebration. NET Framework application capable of loading a Terraria world and display all the existing blocks and liquids inside.